Of the future of Color in my World? I'm glad you've asked. Although I don't want to put myself in a forecasting box, I will say that the future of my blog is sunny. Although this adventure began as a school-driven initiative, I have developed a desire, school-work aside, to continue posting. So, I'm happy to announce that although my class is coming to a close shortly, Color in my World will not be. Not yet anyways. I still have some ideas rolling around in my head that I can't wait to share with you. Hopefully, I will be able to post at least once a week, and of course, you, my reader, will get an update if I change my mind. :) So, until my next post, have a sunny day!
Oh, and why the crazy colored cake? Just because! :)
I love using color, the idea of color, color, color, color... in every way. So, post on friend and I will be ready to listen to you examine one of my favorite topics.