Today, I learned about the common ethical dilemmas that often plague our web. My assignment, upon completion of my readings, was to create a list of ethical rules of my own.
1. I will strive for accuracy in my work.
2. I will not plagiarize, NO MATTER WHAT!
3. I will identify all sources.
4. I will be transparent with my work.
5. I will not take pictures, videos, quotes, etc. out of context for my own story.
6. I will not make derogatory comments or stereotype.
7. I will respect my peers on the web, whether known or unknown.
8. I will do my best to depict a full, unbiased story when reporting on current events.
9. I will admit inaccuracies or mistakes in my posting as they come to my attention.
10. I will do my very best to hold my audience with the substance of my blog!
11. I will research several sources before posting.
12. I will clearly indicate my opinion as different than facts.
13. I will not compromise the integrity of my work.
14. I will be fair in my gatherings.
15. I will avoid misinterpretation of my story, opinion, picture, video, etc.
16. I will not blur the lines of ethical online writing.
17. I will be held accountable to my work.
18. I will not be persuaded by any monetary gifts, exchanges, etc. to report anything but the truth (or my opinion).
19. I will exhibit good taste in my word choice, pictures, video, and links.
20. I will show sensitivity with those controversial subjects in our world.
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