Why hello. I’m glad to meet you at last. My name is Lydia. Among other things, I am a student, new wife, and a youngest daughter. I love all things tangible or visual—postcards, paintings, spiral calendars, stained-glass windows, sticky notes, vintage books, flowers, library books, wallpaper (yes, wallpaper), construction paper, sunsets, and magazines. I suppose it’s because I love the accessibility and color in the life of its’ aesthetic. Which brings me to my point: I am invigorated and enlightened by our world of color. What I mean is, all things seem to integrally use color in their function or allure…or both.
Why are most male animals more colorful than their spouse? How come guacamole doesn’t exactly look appetizing before you’ve tried it? Why does there seem to be a laser link between school spirit and wearing its respective school colors? Why don’t we just watch TV in black and white? Why do the colors blue, green, and grey seem to calm me down? I know why. Or at least I’m willing to investigate and report why. So let us toast—here’s to my venture of revealing my revelations, curiosities, and conclusions about the use of color in our world. Cheers!
Paul Cezanne, The Bay from L’Estaque, c. 1886, oil on canvas
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